OPERA WORKSHOPS, Liegenschaftsfond Berlin, 2013-2014

The Opera Work­shops – Opern­werkstätten – were op­er­ated by FTWild Com­mu­ni­ca­tions on be­half of the Liegen­schafts­fond Berlin from 2013 to 2014.


Re­li­able plan­ning. Ef­fec­tive. Suc­cess­ful. These ad­jec­tives are the best de­scrip­tors for the time FTWild spent run­ning this artis­tic venue. After a short but in­tense phase of con­ver­sion and use, the tem­po­rary in­terim use of the Opera Work­shops as an event lo­ca­tion ended in June 2014, mark­ing the start of con­struc­tion work of what would be­come the build­ing that is now home to the Ernst Busch Act­ing Acad­emy.


But FTWild spent twelve wild months of cre­ative de­sign­ing and util­i­sa­tion of the Opera Work­shops. The first events took place after just a few weeks of plan­ning and con­ver­sion. A Hugo Boss fash­ion show started a line-up of high-class events for this very sought-af­ter venue. The lim­ited avail­abil­ity made for a huge back­log of re­quests. Ad­di­tional events fol­lowed, in­clud­ing the fed­eral party cam­paign kick-off for the CDU & CSU, as well as the pho­to­graphic ex­hi­bi­tion Play­ground by Olym­pus.

Services:Project management, concept, art direction, architecture, graphics, event coordination, technical coordination, marketing
Partner:Liegenschaftsfond Berlin + a wide variety of clients & agencies
Photo:© Ulf Büschleb